Local Walks in Oban


Circular walk around the southern half of Kerrara, a short ferry trip from just south of Oban. The walk has fine views out to other islands and visits the remains of Gylen castle. Tea Garden open during the summer.

Aerial shot of Kerrara
Sea, island and lighthouse


Taking the small ferry from Port Appin, the walk explores the northern half of Lismore, including the ruins of Castle Coeffin and Tirefour castle. Cafe and Heritage Centre at the halfway point. Also a good island for cycling.

Ganavan to Dunstaffnage

Beautiful coastal walk with great views, this route visits Dunstaffnage Castle before returning either along the same route or via the woodland cycle path.

Aerial shot of Dunstaffnage
Two dogs in field while the sun sets

Ben Lora

Only 308 metres high but the magnificent views from its summit match those from many a Munro. The approach uses waymarked forestry walks but the section before the final ascent up to the top can be boggy.

Ben Cruachan

A challenging walk, Cruachan is one of the finest Munros in the southern Highlands. Its pointed peak towers above its rocky satellites giving great views. the ridge walk makes a circuit around Cruachan reservoir.

ben cruachan on sunny day